Keeping it a Mystery – Peaks 5 Preview

Don't worry - it's not really broken
Don’t worry – it’s not really broken


Don’t worry, the page has loaded fine. There isn’t really a picture with a broken link. But in preparation for Patchwork in the Peaks 5, I’ve realised that I can’t show you a picture of the project. That’s because it’s our first mystery quilt project! We normally have a short mystery project, directed by our Quilt Fairy Gina, but this time, I’ve decided to try one for the main project too.

Can't get enough of these
Can’t get enough of these


It won’t be big, about 35-45″ (88-113 cm), depending on how many borders you decide to put on it. But it will give you a chance to use bigger pieces of THAT fabric. You know the one. It’s that fabric that you love but won’t cut into because you know it will lose some of it’s appeal when you cut it into 2.5″ squares.  These are the lovelies of my palette:


I made a baby quilt of these earlier this year and had a hard time finishing it. Not because it was particularly difficult. A good friend told me perhaps it was because I didn’t want to give it away. Very likely so I decided they needed to be in a quilt for me.


The focus sections of the mini-quilt are 7 x 9″ finished so you’ll have a chance to choose which area to showcase. You’ll need at least 4 pieces of focus fabric, the placement of which is both horizontal & vertical, so you’ll want to keep that in mind when looking at your fabrics. You’ll need up to 6 coordinating fabrics, in fat quarters, and other fabrics for sashing, backing & binding. There will be 2 tasks you need to complete before arriving but no Y-seams. This supposed to be a fun experiment, not stressful. 🙂  I’ll provide extra measurements beforehand so that you can have more fabric on hand if the desire strikes to make it bigger.

We’ll have the usual lovely dinners made by someone else, hot tub, massages, Dice Swap with fat quarters,  Scrap Attack Mystery Project, new project sheets for scraps, goodies & gadgets in the Busy Needle Mobile Quilt Shop and more to get your creative juices going.

I’m using a definitely brighter palette than I have in the past but it seems to be the year for me to step outside of my box to try new things. I hope that you’ll do the same and come join us for Patchwork in the Peaks. Registration opens 1 December. There is only place for 12 quilters so don’t be late! 🙂

Peaks 5 ~ 24-27 April 2014 ~ Peaks 5 is now FULL!

If you would like to be put on the waiting list in case of a cancellation, please

Thank you for your interest!

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