
We have such a wealth of knowledge within our sewing community. I love to share what I know and hear your stories as well.

I am delighted to come to guilds and groups to give lectures on topics that I feel are always relevant. My aim is to share the knowledge with engaging and informative material, a bit of powerpoint support, and a trunk show if you wish. Some lectures also have a companion workshop that can be scheduled along with a lecture or independently. Click here for all workshops.

Please email me at elita at busyneedle dot net and we can discuss the particulars.

Dust Bunnies and Gremlins: The Importance of Regular Maintenance


  • Do you only take your machine in for a service when something goes wrong? 
  • Did you know that you can do regular maintenance between service visits?
  • Do you know when you should take your machine to a professional technician?

These and other questions will be answered in this interactive lecture created to show you tips to keep your stitching friend happy. 

I am an independent service technician and a certified service technician for APQS longarm machines. In my experience, there are things that you can and should do on your own to help keep your machine in good shape. Our sewing machines are much like our cars. You don’t need a full service every month but routine maintenance will help it run smoothly for the time in between.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced sewist, understanding what you can do and when you need to see a professional technician are important to the wellbeing of your machine and providing you with a smooth sewing experience.

There is a companion workshop, Featherweight Spa Day, that can be given a day or so after this lecture, if desired.

Ahead of the Curve – Unleashing Creativity with the Quick Curve Ruler (QCR)

Lecture and Trunk Show

I am a certified instructor in using the Sew Kind of Wonderful Quick Curve Ruler methods. There is no pinning, no clipping, no finding the center, and best of all, no tears! You just going to cut, sew, and square up. There is minimal waste and a lot less stress.

In this lecture, I will talk about the specifics that make these rulers so helpful and give a trunk show of some of the designs that can be made.

There is a companion workshop that can be given a day or so after the lecture, if desired.








Playing with Color


In this lecture, I offer a different perspective on color theory. Using a method designed by Jinny Beyer, we’re going to look beyond the color wheel, play with the possibilities, and trust that it will all come together in a pleasing combination.

Educate & Elevate – Returning Value to the Skill of Quilting


Inevitably, quilters are asked how long does it take to make “that” quilt. Many factors go into the answer but what happens when a quilter tries to ask for the monetary value that it deserves? Sadly, the reaction is usually shock.

In this lecture, I want to empower you to advocate for your skill and its intrinsic value. We’ll explore the historical distinctions between art and craft pricing, as well as the personal journey we undertake to assign worth to our creations. I’ll provide you with practical tools and strategies to handle comments that may disrespect or undervalue your skills. Learn some snappy responses that effectively communicate the value of our work while fostering a greater appreciation for the artistry behind quilting. Working together, let’s return value to the skill of quilting.

Baby Clothes & Heartstrings – Makings of a Memory Quilt

Lecture & Trunk Show

In this lecture, I will be talking about the process that goes into creating memory quilts with old clothing or photos printed on fabric. I will cover the best practices of how to prepare your items, what products that can be used, and quilting on a domestic machine or a longarm.

The trunk show portion is a mixture of photos from projects, some examples of different preparations, and some of the products that I find useful.

There is a companion workshop that can be given a day or so after the lecture, if desired.