The Grow Your Blog Party is today!
Welcome to my little spot of Pieceful Perspective! My daughter will roll her eyes at my pun because I’m still so very embarrassing but in short, I’m all about the pieces. Pieces of fabric, pieces of chocolate (and oh brother, do I like chocolate), loving my kids to pieces, it’s all in there.
Thanks first off to Miss Vicki at 2 Bags Full for organising such an awesome event for the 2nd year running. She’s done an awful lot of work to make this happen and we’re all blessed for it.
So who am I? I’m the chatty one. That’s all you need to know. 🙂 I am a quilter by passion and an admin assistant to pay the rest of the bills. I have three adorable, beautiful, opinionated teenagers, a big fluffy white cat, and a very supportive significant other that sweetly ignores the growing stash of fabric threatening to take over the house. In all my copious spare time (read “next to none”), I’m longarm quilting for clients,  giving private lessons in all aspects of quilting, organising semi-annual quilt retreats, and trying to keep up with various virtual quilting bees. I am an Aurifil Addict/Supplier and will play with Quilter’s Dream batting right out of the packet because it’s as pleasing as the quilt top going on it.
So why do I blog? Because I love to share. Information, techniques, small wonders I find totally cool. Because I love to write and don’t do it nearly enough to satisfy the need. Because I’m a Tech Geek and I thought creating my own blog platform from an off-the-shelf layout would be fun. One year in, I’m not sure that FUN is what I would call the coding situations I find myself in. 🙂 But I can happily say I’ve done it myself. Probably a lot like why I quilt. It allows me to be busy and yet productive.  With Purpose.
To carry the Sharing theme through, I have a giveaway. I would like to offer one twin (single) size (93″ x 72″ / 232 x 180cm) Quilter’s Dream batting in your choice of loft & fibres (cotton, poly, bamboo, wool, or recycled).

Let’s keep this simple.  All you need to do is comment below. Say hello, tell me your favourite colour, whatever strikes your fancy. No hoops to jump through, bells to rings, or standing on one foot. One comment, one chance to win, open to everyone, anywhere in the world. A winner will be drawn on 15 February, at 6pm, Swiss time. If you don’t have a blog, be sure to leave me an email address in the comments. No reply entries will be disqualified. Please note that I have to moderate all first-time commentors to my website! I will moderate the comments throughout the day so hopefully the delay before the comment appears will be short. This avoids people having to complete a verification test and keeps spammers at bay as well. Thanks in advance for your patience. 🙂
I do hope you’ll have a nose around on the site and see what all I’m up to. You can follow me through Bloglovin’ or via email updates directly to your mailbox.
UPDATE: This drawing is now closed. You can see the winning post here.
Thanks for stopping by & Happy Quilting!
Love your blog…will definitely be adding it to my list of blogs 🙂
Hi Elita,
We are more or less neighbors — howdy from Germany! 🙂
Since you love quilts, you might like Tracy Chevalier’s “The Last Runaway.” The main theme of the novel is not quilting, yet it still plays a central theme.
Thanks for the chance to win the batting.
Greetings from across the border,
Great blog. Quilt on!
Hi — thanks so much for visiting me via the GYBP and for being so encouraging: I’ve had a lot of fun with the party. I don’t quilt, so I don’t think your give away is for me (not even sure what it is!). Blessings, Diana
Hi Elita, Your hexes look great. I like what you did with the ” Celtic”blocks. You know I love it when I can come over to “pet” your fabrics and the fun at quilt camp. XXO.
I’m thinking for my 60th birthday, I am going to come to one of your retreats in France! What a treat that would be!
I like all things creative n thrifty and I found you from the GYB party.
I don’t have a lot of blog time in for I just started blogging when I joined the blog party it was my New Year resolution. 600 entries and I am Reading my 383 blog and more to go. Whew a lot of good read and great giveaways too. My site contact info is I believe inspiration comes from all facets of life even knowing the great people out there with wisdom and knowledge the do’s and don’ts and even the wonders of life from a personal point of view.
Hello Elita, it’s me Mara in Greece just wanted to pop in and say hello, I need to make another Aurifil order soon, love my threads.
Hi Elita,
Just dropped by as part of the GYB party – what a great blog you have and some really lovely quilts. I enjoy EPP quilting as I find the whole sewing by hand thing most relaxing, but I also enjoy cross stitch as well. I’ll be signing up to follow you and look forward to learning more about your crafty projects in due course.
Alison x
Hi Elita
I’m popping in from the GYB party, lovely to meet you I am following via email and blogluvin so will not miss anything 🙂
You sound so busy, I’ve just started practicing FMQ I have a Gracie Frame in her packaging waiting to be found a space and I wanted to at least practice before working on her. It totally fascinates me,
Peg x
Happy that I meet you. My favorite color is red. I’m a new follower via email…love your quilt works, beautiful.
What a generous give away, thanks for alerting me to it! Lovely to “meet” you! My favourite colour has to be teal but purple comes in a close second. I look forward to exploring your blog a little more and watching your quilts progress through the year.
Wow! I was going to do some html and get a website up … well that failed miserably … I had to get my little genius sister to get it done via dreamweaver combo with something else. Well done on the blog it looks professional! I love purple and natural colours.
I hope you are enjoying the party!
What a lovely introductory post, Elita! Now I really wish we lived closer so we could chat up a storm in person. :o)
It seems we share a taste for the same colours – I’m mad about blues as well, but have been moving into reds, pinks and even purple (surprising for me on that last one). I just love the chance to play with colour that sewing provides. Love, love, love Aurifil threads. They are a dream to sew with but I’ve never tried that brand of batting before, so am curious what about it you like best. Amazed at your generous giveaway and thank you for inviting me here. I’m off to have a closer look at your lovely blog.
Happy weekend!
I have been browsing through your blog, enjoying your posts and quilts. Thanks for the chance to win some batting
Hi Elita! Wow! Impressed with how much you accomplish. I use Aurifil thread for piecing. What a great product! Love quilting retreats! I was on one last week. Had a marvelous time, made new friends, and enjoyed my time sewing. Glad to find your blog!
Hi Elita!
What a wonderful giveaway and fun to read about all your goings on!! One day I would love to make it to one of your retreats!! 🙂
Hi, Elita! Thanks for the great givaway! I always have project ideas and then realize that I’m too cheap to pay shipping for batting, so I have to wait for a trip to the U.S. to buy a bunch. And then I want to buy so much I can barely bring it all back to Zimbabwe! 🙂 Anyway, my favourite colour is green, although I also love orange and purple.
Hello Elita, being a bit of a Techo Geek myself, I am super impressed with the job you have done building this web page! I have a spool of Aurofil in my workroom at the moment waiting to be tested. I do my quilting on a domestic machine, and my favourite thread at the moment is Isacord, although there are a couple of types of Wonderfil thread which seem to suit me and my machine. My favourite colour at the moment is orange. I was talking to my daughter recently, and realised that I had not one piece of orange fabric in my stash, and since then I seem to be drawn to orange.
PS you might have noticed I am chatty too! LOL
You do beautiful work and have a great blog. I’ve been here several times before. Thanks for looking around my blog too. I’d love to travel over to one of your retreats. Maybe one day.
Hi Elita! Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a subscriber. I’m here to say “Hi” back and sign up for your posts as well. It looks like we have some similar quilting likes. Sugar Cube QAL is one of them! I love to help others with their quilt blocks but have only done so on Threadbias. I tried to sign up for your Bees Helping Bees but there’s a problem there right now. Hope to remember to go back and check later.
Your blog is great and I love your style! So happy to make a new quilting friend.
I have not tried quilters dream batting yet and would gladly stand on one foot, ring a bell, and hula hoop to t ry some….or was it jump through the hoop…. lol!!!
Thanks for the chance and the college ball trivia
I am a new follower on bloglovin. Your giveaway is very generous.
Hello Elita, visiting from GYB and lovely to find your blog which I’m going to follow on bloglovin. I don’t quilt but that is only as a ‘yet’ as I’ve only just got a sewing machine. I love your blog voice and look forward to reading more.
Love and best
Craft blog
Cat blog
Found you through your Google+ post about your All Framed Up In Pink quilt (very pretty!). I’m a newbie quilter based in Seattle, WA and looking to meet more quilters in the blogosphere.
Just stopping by to quickly say a friendly “hello” from the UK via GYBP.
I love your quilts,they’re so beautiful.
Do please visit my blog if you have time. I’m also having a giveaway. Happy blog hopping 🙂
Hello Elita,
Saying hello from WA state, USA. My favorite color is purple and I too quilt to keep my busy hands occupied with a purpose of some sort. Currently working on Celtic Solstice from Bonnie Hunter-a king size. The biggest I’ve ever done and taking longer then I thought it would.
Thank you for taking part in the Grow Your Blog, it’s fun to see what all is out there.
Hi Elita
Good to meet you – I’m visiting from England!
I love green!
Hi Elita! I’m a new blogger so thanks for participating and sharing your blog. My favorite color is magenta! It gets my creative juices flowing.
Hello Elita, nice to meet you! I don’t quilt but I do admire the beauty of handmade quilts, I do sew and work with fibre though among many other things. I really enjoyed having a look around your blog, and I hope you will pop over to take a look at mine I also have a giveaway.
Hi Elita, Great blog for a busy lady. I love to quilt(even tho I am a newby) and do all kinds of other crafts. I would love to win the batting for my next project. Thanks for the chance. Jackie
Hello Elita! It’s nice meeting you! Coming from Grow Your Blog party. My favorite color right now is cream/white and brown.
Enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks for the giveaway.
Dropped in from Sew Fresh Quilts to bee social. 🙂 Nice blog!
heh, I fat fingered the email address last time I stopped by – makes sense that it would go wonky! No worries, I get mail at both places. 🙂
Awesome give-a-way. I love quilter’s dream!
Hello Elita, my favourite colour is blue, thank you for the invitation and I wish you well with the blog!
Also it is an honor to have you in friendconnect!
Hey Elita, Well done on the blog! Fav colour of the moment is …teal ! Great idea for a give-away.
Hi there Elita
I’m still plodding through the links for the GYB party and have just landed on your lovely blog. I’ve been going back reading your lovely blog and am enjoying it very much. I’ve just signed up as a follower so I should be able to read your posts more often now.
I have a small blog at which I’d love if you visited – I mostly quilt and crochet though I do like to try many things. I’ve also got a pile of hexies on the go, plus I am the UFO queen.
Thanks again for participating in the GYB party – it’s so much fun to meet new people.
All the best
Love your post. I have come from GYB. and I am trying to visit after work. Right now my favorite colors are fuschia, orange, yellow, purple, and lime green. I am on the list further down in the S’s and I am having a giveaway!
Hi Elita,
Loved your post. I am visiting from GYB and I am a new follower through Bloglovin. One of my favorite colors is Mango! I am having a giveaway too if you would like to enter.
Happy Stitching.
xo jan
I am just learning long arm quilting, so I’m now following you. I love your writing. My favorite color is purple, but really I love all colors.
I like your perspective on pieces; very insightful. I like blues the most.
How very delightful to meet you. I have been blogging for about 5 years, and I’m always amazed at how many creative people are out there. And from so many places around the world.
Hi Elita, I am slow at getting around so , I just want to say, Hello and well I love Green. Have a great time meeting new people, all over the world.
You are chatty- I definitely am not. What a great world to live in with such variety of character and talent!
Hi Elita, I am a new blogger and a new longarm quilter! Just starting my business. I am just beginning to love it. Nice to read a new blog by a longarmer, fills me with inspiration and hope! – Suzy
Thanks so much for the tip on the link. I wasn’t thinking when it said website. Glad you were able to find me. I also finally figured out how to leave my wordpress instead of my old blogger address. Again really enjoyed your blog. Have a wonderful Monday!
Hi Elita, lovely to meet you. I’m Julz from Australia…loving this Grow Your Blog, visiting so many wonderful new blogs and meeting lots of new people…
This is such a wonderful way to find new blogs and meet new people with similar interests…
happy stitiching!
Elita, thank you for stopping by my blog! Your quilts are lovely. My husband and I were lucky enough to spend 3 years in Zurich. We returned to the U.S. with our eldest son and some wonderful memories. Your quilts are just lovely! I will be following you on Bloglovin’ and look forward to seeing more of your work.
I’m stopping by to say HI from GYB. Chocolates are my downfall so I try not to have any at the moment. I might get week in the knee if someone ever gives me a box of Hawaiian chocolates though.
I guess my favorite color is blue, but I’ve been looking at a lot of oranges lately. My last few quilts have been full of oranges and greens. I’m surprised.
I’m new in the blogging stuff. Just a week, but it’s been fun. Maybe in a few more weeks, I won’t be so sure.
Hello Elita….so nice to meet you. I am Marjorie from Canada….great giveaway; it would be such a nice way to try this batt out. thanks for this chance. Please take a minute to visit my blog…..
I love red. My embroidery of choice is redwork! Thanks for sharing your blog. I can’t wait to read more posts. I am an embroiderer participating in Grow Your Blog too.
I’m a bloglovin follower now!
I enjoy your humour!!! I most enjoy quilting and wish that I didn’t have to work so I could quilt all the time!! But like you, I have to make some money to pay for the fabric 😉 I’ve never tried that batting before… actually I’ve never heard of it either! So, thanks for sharing in the hop!!
Hi, can’t believe I’ve missed your blog, will rectify this with bloglovin
Hi Elita, like you I’m a lover of Aurifil. It’s the only thread I use for quilting now, especially for my EPP . Thank you so much for giving way some batting ! I need some more so expect an order from me soon 🙂
ohhh so many new visitors, thanks for giving us the chance to win 🙂
Visiting via Vicki’s GYBP and enjoying your blog. Your daughter will, soon, get past the OH MOM stage. I count it all joy when I can embarrass one of my nephews or pre-teen friends. Because one day, the boot will be on the other foot -grin-. sorry if I’ve made any mistakes, I’m byping blind because I can’t see your dark font against dark background.
I from Oregon USA . First I have to say you are amazing there is no way I would ever to have the energy to do all you accomplish. I really enjoyed your blog you have yourself a new follower here.
Hello from Yukon! I hope you’re enjoying this party as much as I do.
Evalina, This and that…
What an incredible giveaway!
ILove the way you introduce yourself!
Chatty is more than enough to know, but of the quilting kind is a pro!
I’m just the opposite, very slim and mega intelligent, and I never lie!
On the whole: I think I’m OK: yesssss!
And oh, yea, of the quilting kind too, but I’m sure you already guessed that.
Greetings from St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. I design & create textile art.
Lovely blog! Thanks for the giveaway.
I like bright colours (blues / greens)
I am a new follower. I am thrilled that you decided to grow your blog and I found your blog. I, too, like to quilt. Actually one of my goals for this year is to improve my free motion quilting. I also enjoy knitting and a tad of embroidery. I like Aurifil, too. You are very, very generous with your giveaway. I’m excited to be following you now.
Love your site…new follower. I love aurifil and quilter’s dream too. I am having fun finding new bloggers to follow…love sewing and quilting. Greetings from Oklahoma, USA. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
Hello, my favourite colour is red. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I haven’t tried Aurifil yet but everyone in the blog world just raves about it. It’s on my list for my next shopping trip
Enjoyed looking around your site. I like aurifil and sulky thread. I love quilters dream batting too.
Be sure to stop by my blog for a chance at winning my fabulous fifty giveaway.
What a lovely blog! I’m finding so many wonderful new blogs to follow on this hop! Beth @ Words & Stitches (currently fighting the cat for control of the keyboard! lol)
Looking forward to reading your posts. I love the aurifil thread too. I really like the 12 wt for embroidery.
Lovely site, as a quilter, I understand the growing stash.. 🙂 Thanks for posting today!!
Hello nice to meet you I am a fellow quilter and I love Aurifil and Quilters Dream Batting also. My favorite color. …what ever colors that are in my latest quilt, I love them all. Thanks for the giveaway! I will visit again soon since I am a new follower.
Hi Elita. I am dropping by through the Blog Hop. It is really nice of you to offer such a generous giveaway. Thank you so much. I love to sew anything and everything. I love to do hand quilting, embroidery, and applique. My favorite colors are pink and green. Since I am retired, I spend most of my time in my sewing room. It is a wonderful way to have a fun, relaxing day.
You are one busy and talented lady. I enjoyed reading through your blog and seeing all your wonderful projects. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway chance.
Hello Elita! Thanks so much for sharing your lovely blog. Your quilting is beautiful! And I absolutely love the sleepover quilt. My granddaughter would love it. I noticed that most of your quilts are for other people. I tend to give away all of mine too. Some day I’m going to make one for myself. I’m a teacher and a recent empty-nester. And now that the last daughter is out on her own, I have a sewing room! We will see if it improves my quilting. 🙂 Thanks again for the fun!
Hi Elita, You have a great blog..I love your quilting. Thanks for sharing.
Your quilts are gorgeous. And you are so very talented. I am a new follower. Not sure of my favorite color, I like them all.
I love Aurifil thread too, and it performs wonderfully on my long arm. Thanks for the chance to win an awesome batting!
Nice to “meet” you Elita! I’m waving Hello from cold snowy eastern Canada. I’m now following you with Bloglovin’. Hope you’ll stop by my blog as well and enter my Giveaway!
I’m so glad I’m partying with Vicki today. I came to your block – I love your writing style and look forward to reading more of your blog. Would love to win your giveaway. Thanks for the chance. And be sure to come by and enter mine . I think you’ll like it. I am a new follower on bloglovin”
Your life sounds similar to my in passion and occupation. I love to quilt and work as an admin assistant to make my living. My favourite colour is blue. I took my first long arm quilting class this fall and love it but it will be a very long time (if ever) that I can have my own long arm machine. I will be following your blog with bloglovin now that I found you through the GYB Party.
Your blog is nice – lots of talent! I am stopping by as part of the blog hop! I love Navy blue! thanks!
Hi Elita….I’m dropping by from the blog party. I’m so happy to meet you and look forward to getting to know you better through your wonderful blog. Hope you stop by for a visit, when you get the chance.
Hi I am visiting for the blog hop…your blog is really nice and I have been looking around at the different posts…thank you for the opportunity to win this batting…I have not tried this one before…
You sound like a very busy quilter who loves what you do. That’s wonderful.
i love your blog. you are so very talented! my favorite color varies from week to week this week it is purple. thanks for a great giveaway
Hi, Elita … I am stopping in today via the GYB party. My favorite color is warm yellow. I am now following by bloglovin’ … 🙂 Pat
Hello ,
Nice to meet you.:)
I would like to take part in your giveaway.Lovely presents.:)
My favourite colors are white,brown,creme and pastel colours.
Hello – I too am a quilter so your blog is definitely of interest to me. My favourite color – so hard to pick but I guess I would have to say green! I’m off to explore your blog – it looks very interesting! Thanks for the chance at your give away!
i was already following you, thanks for the giveaway.
Great party post! I know all about those opinionated teens, too! I have two quilts that are in the “to finish” pile of projects. Perhaps if I win your giveaway, it will be the prompt to complete! Enjoy the party. Aloha from snowy, icy frigid New York.
Hiya! You show up as Anonymous! I’ll need a name/email if you win. 🙂
Not sure why it shows as anon…hope this works! Aloha
Great to find your blog – I love what you do so will now be a follower
Thanks for letting us share a little bit about ourselves. I love fabric. Need I say more? 🙂
Good morning Elita, I enjoyed visiting your blog here this morning and learning about all that you do! Busy lady!! I have a goal of …. learning to quilt, right now gathering quality fabrics for my first simple quilt. My mother gave me 3 old quilt tops from great, great grandmother that never finished them, and that started me with my interest to learn. I have to learn, alot to learn, but I think something simple, grow the confidence to finish those tops….two are not in good condition, one is. The two that are not, I will make pillows or shams from, I think that will be very beautiful. Stop by and say hello, Sandy
Hi Elita,
I read your blog about “Irish Blues” and can sympathize with you. I also had a similar experience with a quilt pattern. Most of the time I try to make my own, but some patterns are beyond my ability. I need lots of photos to help me understand so I try to use tutorials on the internet that provide that for me. Your top turned out beautifully, in spite of it.
I love to quilt with Aurifil as well. I like that it melts into the quilt top. I like to see the design rather than the thread. Juicy colours are my favorite right now.
Hi Elita… have a lovely blog. Your quilts are lovely. I especially like your Ninja quilt post. How fun!
I try to piece every day. It soothes the soul.
What a fun introduction! Your quilts are beautiful. I would love to travel to Ireland someday, but am more interested in their lace making.
Looking forward to watching your projects grow.
Love your blog! I am looking forward to seeing your future endeavors and will look around more before I go to check out more of the bloggers on the tour 🙂 Following you on Bloglovin’!
Hi, Elita! Thanks for sharing wonderful YOU! 🙂 Please don’t put my name in the drawing, International postage isn’t worth it. But for what it IS worth… I love PIECING too, and puns and embarassing my children. 😉 My favorite color is red and quilting is my passion and my obsession. I own an APQS Millenium, like you, and most days can be found happily stitching away on it or on one of my beloved Berninas. I have been blogging for over seven years (since July of 2006); hard to believe, as I never even thought I had that much to say!
Not to worry Mrs G! I’m not having to pay international postage! QD has kindly agreed to send the batting to anyone in the US for me. Have I said today that I love those folks?! 🙂 Thanks for stopping in!
It looks like you make some pretty amazing quilts. I enjoyed reading your post and visiting your blog today!
Dear Elita,
You have a beautiful site and blog!!
I’m one of the volunteers for the Grow Your Blog party just to make sure that the links on Vicki’s post are working correctly.
I am not a quilter myself (I think I lack the patience…), and I greatly admire those like you who make such beautiful quilts!
Greetings from beautiful Savannah! xoxo Silke
I just found your blog through the Grow Your Blog party- and I’m so glad I did! Looks like you are very busy! Picking a favorite color is so hard, but lately I’ve been leaning toward red.
This is a very generous giveaway and one that would be oh so useful. I’m trying to sew only from stash for the first few months of this year and this would help get another quilt’s worth of fabric used.
Hi! How nice to meet you (again)! Your work is wonderful! I will be following!
hello, nice to meet you! I’ll just have a little nosey round…
p.s. thanks for not subjecting us to word verification, I really do hate it!
Hi Elita,
I’m visiting from the Grow Your Blog party. You are very talented! There are so many quilters joining the party. I plan to look around a bit more and then be on my way to visit the others. I do hope you will stop by for a visit and enter my giveaway. Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs – Donna
Wow, you are a busy lady! I thought I had a tight schedule.
I agree, Aurifil is amazing. I have seen so many beautiful things done with this thread.
Giving you tons of credit for all you do. Looking forward to the next retreat, and more aurifil and more quilters dream. Can never have enough of either of these.
Just popping in to say how wonderful you are, but as I just discovered that hidden stash of batting in a cupboard, I will happily pass on having more — much as I love the Dream stuff! xx JJ
Hi Elita, Happy Saturday. Thanks for hosting this giveaway. I love blues, pale blue, navy blue, teal, any blue when its put with green even better. Sue 🙂
You are one busy girl Elita! Haven’t tried the Aurifil in my longarm yet but i do love the Quilters Dream batting. Thanks for the chance!
I love Aurifil and Quilters Dream too! So fun following and getting to know you Elita:) My favorite color….right this minute, Teal!