Patchwork in the Peaks 11 certainly had some Twist & Shout, in a variety of ways.
The first weekend of Peaks started like this. While we do know that there can be variable weather in the mountains, this is not what we normally expect at a Spring Peaks. 🙂
This, however, was the view by Sunday. Wacky weather! This continued until the start of the next weekend, when it went grey and cloudy on Friday. No snow but a touch of fog.
We had all manner of lovelies for Show and Tell, on devices and in person:

Friday morning we also started the true Twist and Shout with the paper-pieced Twisted Log Cabin pattern, by Lessa Siegele. There were a few shouts amongst the twists but some interesting variations came out of it all:

Stash Attack brought us Chickens!

In between, there were a lot of laughs, a lot of quilting on Suki the Juki longarm, lots of lovely Secret Sister gifts, secret quilts in the making, and lots of thread snips

All in all, we had a fantastic time with only one little mishap:
That is a longarm needle through the thumb of a quilting glove. Miss R was readjusting the quilt and accidentally hit the foot pedal with her foot, causing the needle to go down. Fortunately, it only went through the very tip of her thumb and no blood was shed on the quilt. After a bit of bandaging, she was ok and the thumb did not require stitches. Scary for sure and certainly going on the Health & Safety Warning sign as a reminder for those using Suki.
Such productive weekends! It’s always amazing to see what can be accomplished when someone else is making dinner. 🙂

I hope you’ve enjoyed the pictures of the gorgeous works of art these ladies have created over these two weekends. We had loads of fun and are already looking forward to Peaks 12. Registration opens 1 June. Hope you’ll come join us!! 🙂