Spinning Card Trick Star – A New Pattern

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]For my quilting retreat theme projects, I try to find a technique that is good for all levels.  For the most recent Peaks last October, I’d been wanting to do a pattern that was good for scraps as well as yardage. A picture with part of an antique quilt caught my eye and I couldn’t get it out of my head.

Peak 6 Overview – Click for Highlights

Unfortunately, there was no pattern attributed to the quilt. But once I broke the design down, I realised it is a variation on the traditional Card Trick block, using a pieced hexagon and triangles. The traditional block is more often completed with paper piecing methods. Not that I had a problem with paper-piecing, or even English paper piecing by hand. I just wanted something different. I then set about finding a pattern for it that wasn’t paper-pieced. No such luck so I created one. As you do. 🙂

Introducing the Spinning Card Trick Star!

Spinning Card Trick Star Patchwork in the Peaks
Peaks 6 Spinning Card Trick Star – A Pattern
BNQ's Spinning Card Trick Star matchstick quilting
Dense, matchstick, quilting
Spinning Card Trick Star Patchwork in the Peaks

I use my Electric Quilt 7 program to create the pattern. It was a bit tricky because this is not the usual kind of layout but I managed in the end.

At Patchwork in the Peaks, I walked the ladies through the techniques, including the Y-seam, because I wanted people to try something they probably avoided most of the time. It wasn’t long before those clever ladies figured out how to do it with diagonal straight line piecing, yet again avoiding the Y-seam. Oh well, that was quite fine too. I really wasn’t trying to torture them. It was all about de-mystifying a not-so-easy technique. In the end, they made some beautiful projects.

Spinning Card Trick Star, Patchwork in the Peaks retreat
Miss HH’s batik table runner
Spinning Card Trick Star Patchwork in the Peaks
A close-up of Miss HH’s batik spinning star
Spinning Card Trick Star Patchwork in the Peaks
Karen “the Blogger” Ackva’s colourful Hexagonal quilt
Miss Lynne's Spinning Card Trick Star Table Runner Patchwork in the Peaks
Miss Lynne’s Spinning Card Trick Star Table Runner
Miss L's Spinning Card Trick Star Table Runner Patchwork in the Peaks
Close-up of Miss L’s Spinning Star
Spinning Card Trick Star Patchwork in the Peaks
Miss B’s Wall-hanging


To finish my own version, I decided that I should try matchstick quilting with my trusty Aurifil, 50 wt, in coordinating colours. With Quilter’s Dream Wool batting inside, it made the star pop really nicely. I love the finished product but I’m glad this was a small project!

Spinning Card Trick Star Patchwork in the Peaks matchstick quilting
Matchstick quilting

This pattern is now available on Craftsy. I hope you’ll try it out & let me know what you think. Click HERE to be taken directly to the page.

Happy quilting!



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7 thoughts on “Spinning Card Trick Star – A New Pattern

  1. Christine says:

    Hi Elita, I love love love this quilt and would like to purchase the pattern. Unfortunately Craftsy no longer carries it, can I find it elsewhere?

  2. Cynthia Bailey says:

    This is a beautiful pattern. I made the quilt in the picture out of my Grandmother’s scraps .The pattern is called the hexagon puzzle. The book is by Leisure Arts and is called Scrap Quilts. This is my favorite pattern. Love the blocks you made.

    • Elita Sharpe says:

      Thank you for letting me know! It wasn’t attributed in the article but it was so striking, I had to figure out how to make it. Thank you for the beautiful inspiration! 🙂

  3. Corinnea says:

    What a fun pattern! Good for you reviving it. I love the card trick and this is such a beautiful variation!

  4. Jasmine says:

    Such a fun pattern, and I enjoyed hearing about your inspiration. It was funny, because as I read I thought “what y seam?” Glad I pictured it correctly.

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