How many times do I go upstairs to do something and get completely sidetracked? Everyday it seems. Sigh. I don’t know if you know this but “SHE” stands for Sidetracked Home Executive. 🙂  This past weekend was no different. I had grandiose ideas about being able to stitch for long stretches of time. Then I remembered that last week I’d tried to replace the bulb in my sewing room chandelier with one of these energy efficient numbers:
When I screwed it in, it wouldn’t work. I tried it in other light sockets & it worked fine.  It appeared that the socket part of the chandelier must too old. And the logical conclusion was that I must rewire it. Perhaps “logical” was being  loosely interpreted. But that marked the detour. In the course of the week’s errands, I picked up a socket from the hardware store. The weekend came. I went up to sew and remembered that I needed to change the socket. Sweet Mr P took the chandelier down for me. When I took the socket apart, I found this:
I’m responsible for the cut wire. But it was most certainly fried, blackened right down at the socket. That explains why it wouldn’t work. Took about 30 minutes to rewire and I was able to put in the bright daylight bulb. At least afterwards I was able to get on with getting some things done:

And finally,

So yes, I am often sidetracked but most of the time, I’m reasonably productive. I’ve put the Hawaiian Hexie top aside for the moment, until I figure out how I want to quilt it. For my hand-piecing pleasure, I’ve pulled this out:

I’ve changed my plan because the big hexie to the right was originally in the centre but it didn’t give enough contrast so I replaced it. Didn’t think that through very well, did I? Much better now. I haven’t a clue what this will become. I’m thinking a large cushion cover but we’ll have to see how it progresses. The colours remind of spring. Seems we missed winter this year so might as well look forward to spring.  🙂
I’m linking up Jessica over at Life Under Quilts for the Monday Morning Star Count , and the kind folks at
Do stop in and see what other lovelies are in progress.
Happy Quilting!!
Love the EPP project, great fabric choices!
Wow – awesome projects! I am in love with the Spring Carnival!
I’m impressed that you could rewire the light. And that it didn’t burn the house down when it blackened and died. That’s a great hexagon runner finish, but I like the other EPP project, too.
I’m impressed! My method of rewiring would go a little something like this: “Honey, the light doesn’t work.” 😉 Great job on finishing your Hawaiian Hexies! Are you leaving the edges as they are or trimming them down to be smooth?
Beautiful blocks and projects and glad you were able to fix your light!
As far as being “sidetracked,” I find the older I get the more I think about the hereafter. When I walk into a room, I wonder what I was here after.
Nice blog. I like seeing your progress
cute large hexagon. I need to rewire my whole house, because it’s so old. Would be scared if I saw what you did! Be careful! {:-Deb
The Hawaiian Hexies turned out very nice. What is the size of this piece? The new project is interesting too!
Sidetracked! I get sidetracked on the task that sidetracked me in the first place!
Love your new EPP project. I have been thinking about starting that same pattern!
Congrats on finishing your Hawaiian Hexies! Looks awesome. I can’t wait to see where your new EPP project takes you.
Wow! So many different projects. I love the paper pieced – and that fabric line is one of my favorites ever. Such pretty colors.
I have a Garden Gate quilt planned to work on later this spring using up my Modern Meadow yardage. Yours look great.
I know what happened to your winter, Elita! It ended up over here. You sure were productive. All your projects look great! I especially admire your hand pieced works!
I know the feeling, I get sidetracked a lot. You seem to have been super productive despite that. Love your Spring Carnival. That reminds me that I should get back to mine which has been sitting in a bag all winter.
Wow- rewiring light fixtures is quite a sidetrack! I’m impressed.
Congratulations on finishing your Hawaiian Hexagon Top… it looks wonderful. I love the colors