Take a deep breath…Now JUMP!

I say that to myself when I’m at the top of a scary ski slope. When you get up there, the only way back down the mountain is just to jump & get on with it. It’s a new year so time for some new things. A new website design with a new web storefront and a new blog. Just a few minor changes. 🙂 So welcome to my “Pieceful” Perspective. I’m a quick study and I’ll catch on but comments & suggestions are always welcome. Feel free to tell me when things work well & you’re liking it but feel equally at ease to tell me when they don’t! Everything I do weaves in and around quilting so this blog is a way for me to  share some helpful information and keep track of where I’ve been along the way.

Has it really been three months since I hosted Peaks 2? I don’t know where the time has gone but I’m starting the New Year off with a challenge I set myself just before going to Peaks. How many quilt tops can I get out of two jelly rolls & a bit of extra fabric? So far, I’ve gotten four.  A bit like a dog with a bone, albeit one with undiagnosed OCD :-), I tend to get caught up in new ideas  & sometimes these ideas run away with me. Peaks 2 was the catalyst this time.  One of the main activities we do at Peaks is a project where everyone is doing the same pattern but they’ve all chosen different fabrics so the results are amazingly different. I wanted to choose a pattern that made use of the pre-cut bundles that are so popular these days but would translate well across a spectrum of colours.

In my surfing, I came across a great tutorial on how to do the classic double hourglass block.  Now, there are a number of quickie ways to do this block but I couldn’t find a proper pattern for a whole quilt. Would’ve happily paid for it if I could’ve found it. With no luck, I wrote my own. Simple. Easy peasy. OK, maybe not so easy but I loved putting it together. I was using 28 strips from a jelly roll & another 28 strips of yardage because I liked the pattern. My end result was a lovely classic block with a modern polka dot twist.



I also had an additional seven scrappy  blocks that could have made their way into a modern pieced backing for my classic block/mod lap quilt. I decided to make them into a small wall hanging instead.




Then I realised I still had 12 strips leftover from the jelly roll I was using. Having been raised with the “waste not, want not” philosophy, that lead me to trying to figure out what else I could do with these strips. Add a small stack of 5″ squares (truly, we’re talking a charm pack and a half, 58 squares, or about a metre) and a bit of border fabric (I think it was no more than 1m). Four seams per block, 2 cuts, more stitching and I got another two baby quilts.





I still have a few little bits that could make something. Surely I can get one more quilt out of this …


I’ll be linking up to Freshly Pieced WiP Wednesday this week.  I best hurry and get some of these done before the original project starts spawning again. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!


1 thoughts on “Take a deep breath…Now JUMP!

  1. Cynthia Carr says:

    Congratulations, Elita!! Your work is still beautiful. You must be so proud of your accomplishments. We cherish our “Elita pieces” – flag for Jason and 4 square frame included. My mother in law now quilts so I can appreciate even more the amount of work & creativity involved. Well done! Much success and happiness to you and the kids. xo, Cynthia

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